The Gods’ Own Mythology Post: Pt. Two

The second part of my worldbuilding/mythology posts for my novel-in-progress The Gods’ Own will focus on the Seraphim, the pantheon of gods dictating the fate of all life in the fictional world of Aldlis. The creation of the Seraphim is covered in Part One found Here.  All imagery used is my own, created using Pixabay free images, Photoshop and Photodonut2.


Born of Dalmund The All-Father and chosen to preside over and protect Aldlis the twelve Seraphim are as follows in order of birth-right. A fractious group the Seraphim have done as much to harm the balance of life on Aldlis as they have to protect it and many of the pantheon are at the time of The Gods’ Own suffering for their failings in one way or the other.

Seraph Kaekekion signed

Kaekelion* ( pronounced Kay-Kel-Ion) the dragon seraph, was once the undisputed master of the Seraphim until his own arrogance and unbending conviction led him to betray and murder his brother Seraph, Leleon and attempt to destroy all life on Aldlis. Now imprisoned in the Sky Kingdom of the Seraphim, Kaekelion still commands a following among mortals in Aldlis as the Keeper of Tenets, sacred laws and rituals. The Cloister teaches that one day a great threat to Aldlis will force the other Seraphim to release Kaekelion so that he might redeem himself saving the world he once tried to destroy.

Mortals born in the month of Kekel, the first month of the year named for Kaekelion are said to be bold, charismatic leaders with a talent for organisation but their flaw is a destructive temper.

Seraph Vishon signed

Vishon (pronounced Vesh-an) the winged turtle seraph has presided supreme over the other Seraphim since Kaekelion’s fall from grace. Giver of Judgement and Arbiter of Justice, Vishon represents the virtues of reason, temperance and patience. He is the only seraphim to have no scions (mortals blessed with a piece of a seraphim’s soul that allows them to access their godly powers). It is said that Vishon reframed from claiming scions of his own to maintain his impartiality of judgement.

Those born in the second month of the year, Vihonin, are said to possess foresight and clear-headedness and to honour their commitments. Their flaw is inertia; they can be too slow to act.

Seraph Dalleon signed

Dalleon, (pronounced Dal-Lay-On) the winged horse, is the patron seraph of miracles, redemption and all divine magics.

Universally considered a benign seraph throughout seraph-worshipping Aldlis, Dalleon has many devotees and many temples in his honour. The rare and difficult discipline of magical healing is solely taught and practiced by priests of Dalleon known as Adherents.

Ironically, as Dalleon’s miraculous interventions are said to be without moral judgement, Dalleon is an incredibly popular seraph among prison inmates and those on the wrong side of the law looking for a lucky way out of their troubles. Some Cloister clerics, particularly Adherents of Kaekelion and Vishon, have openly criticised the seraph and his adherents for being too quick to help everyone and anyone without any discernment of whether all petitioners deserve help.

Those born in the third month of Dalon are said to be compassionate, charming, creative and romantic but their flaw is lacking discernment of judgement.


To Be Continued.

If you would like to read my novel-in-progress you can read all published chapters at Inkitt, Wattpad and Chapterbuzz


* Kaekelion’s name is misspelled in the image. The image was created in 2017 and I’ve since tweaked certain things around Aldlis worldbuilding, like spellings. 😛

4 thoughts on “The Gods’ Own Mythology Post: Pt. Two

  1. Pingback: The Gods’ Own Mythology Post: Pt 3 | ALDLIS CHRONICLES

  2. Pingback: The Gods’ Own Mythology Post: Pt. 4 | ALDLIS CHRONICLES

  3. Pingback: The Gods’ Own Mythology Post: Pt 5 | ALDLIS CHRONICLES

  4. Pingback: The Gods’ Own Mythology Post: Pt 6 | ALDLIS CHRONICLES

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